Texas residents and non-residents that want to take advantage of the benefits of the TX License to Carry, will find our online course to be the most flexible option. Our certified course is state approved, meets all the state requirements for classroom material, is self-paced, and boasts a 100% success guarantee when taken according to all terms and conditions.
LTC Course $30

LTC Range Exam

Only persons getting the actual License to Carry (LTC) need to shoot the range exam. Our instructors are certified by the NRA and DPS in Basic Pistol, License to Carry, and Armed First Responder. Our instructors are military veteran and law enforcement officers. We provide training and certifications at Brushwood Outdoor Range in Bryan, Texas. Visit Brushwood Outdoor https://brushwoodoutdoors.com/
LTC Range Exam $50

Constitutional Carry

Constitutional Carry Course only $15! Texans may carry a handgun in public without taking the full state approved licensing course. Texas law allows anyone 21 years of age or older to carry a handgun, unless they have a violent conviction or are otherwise prohibited by law. Why risk not knowing changes in the law or how to interpret legal signage? Our short Constitutional Carry course has a summary of what a permit-less carrier should know. If you have questions regarding your legal status to carry a handgun in public, please consult with a legal professional.
Constitutional Carry $15

Stop The Bleed

The purpose of the Stop The Bleed campaign is to help in preparing the public to save lives if people nearby are severely bleeding. This preparation is being done by raising awareness and teaching people how to learn a few quick actions to control serious bleeding and possibly save a life. As a gun owner or carrier, you may encounter a victim of a gunshot wound and need to be prepared to take effective action that can sustain a victim until medical professionals arrive.
Free Course

Active Duty Military and Veterans

As a “shall issue state”, Texas will issue a license to carry to any legal U.S. resident, no matter what state you live in and allow you to renew it online. For military members, this is the best option to obtaining a license that is reciprocated in over 30 states. As a military service member or veteran, you never have to visit Texas or be a Texas resident to get a license to carry or to renew it. Just complete our online course, submit the certification form, your range card, (or other proof of range proficiency), application and fee to TX DPS and you're set.
LTC Course $30

Out of State Residents

Out of state residents must submit an application, pay the required fees, submit form LTC-6, two passport style photos and a copy of their out of state drivers license or state issued identification card (front and back, in color). Non-residents must also successfully complete the required training (classroom or online), to include the range proficiency exam which must take place in Texas, with a licensed Texas firearms instructor.
LTC Course $30

Firearms Sales and Transfer

BCSOCC operates as a Federal Firearm Licensee, commonly referred to as "FFL". If you're local to Bryan-College Station and are purchasing a handgun online, you'll need an FFL to help you get it legally transferred into your possession. We accept incoming handguns, rifles, and receivers from FFL's only, no private sales. We also provide the service of legally shipping a firearm you have sold to a buyer in another state.
Contact FFL


O. J. Sills (license #01737009), is certified under Texas Government Code 411.188 and 411.190 as an online provider of the LTC classroom material. An Army Veteran and current Federal Law Enforcement Officer, O. J. is licensed as a TX LTC instructor, Armed First Responder Instructor, NRA Pistol instructor and NRA Range Safety Officer. All of our instructors are certified to administer the range proficiency exam. For further verification you can call TX DPS Regulatory Services Division (512) 424-7293 and give them our provider's name and license number .
Contact Instructor

Helpful Links

Use this links section to get the TX DPS application, fingerprint services, and other helpful information.